Just some stuff...

If these make you angry and now you don't like me becuase of these then try being more inclusive and accepting of those with differing view points. I do the same for you.

filibuster Hypocrites anybody?
doofas Dork too!
welfare REALLY?
leon Noel?
humpty Isn't THAT the truth?
bbq I'm moving to Texas?
abel_rock Is your rock registered? Do you have a CCW for that rock?
biden_caveman Caveman is smarter really
biden_ozzie Uhmaritegudguy!
biden_windy Boohoo
gun_control Molan Labe
LOL Ahmmm lookin' fer muy baybee bumblebey...
biden_floor Help! He's fallen and can't get up.
but true Go get 'em!
say no to Biden Never get my guns
stupid sandy Sandy's an idiot!
Trump good Go Trump!
Trump good still Good!!
Trump punchcard Freebies good
biden_n_change No change today
impeachment_champ Go champ!
cancel_bor Constitution is like TP to the left

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